Thursday, July 17, 2008

BITR: What Annoys The Living Daylights Out of Me

I guess it's about time I write this blog...

There a lot of things that annoy me. In fact, it seems like every day I find new things that annoy me. I, like most average people, am annoyed very easily. So you would think that when it came time to write a blog about something that annoys the living daylights out of me it would be easy. Wrong. I spend half my life complaining about all of these annoying things, and then when it comes time to write about just one of them I draw a blank. I actually considered writing on that at one point. About how I think of things all the time, but can never think of it when I need to. I decided that would be to complicated so I better just think of something else. So I did, and this is what I came up with:

One thing that annoys the living daylights out of me is when people don't know how to shut up. Yes, I know that I am quiet. And you may be surprised to find that I even know how to talk. And maybe people like me annoy the living daylights out you. But it annoys me when people talk constantly. Oh, and it makes it a million times worse when they don't even know what they're talking about. They just talk because they like the sound of their voice or something. It makes me want to tie them to a chair and duct tape their mouth shut so they have to just sit there and listen. For a constant mouth-runner, having to shut up and listen is nothing but pure torture.

I used to work with this lady who I swear told me her life story 20 times over again. At first I found it as a source of entertainment, but after about 3 times of hearing everything from the details of her first marriage to what kind of underwear her 14 year old son wears, I was about ready to slap her.

So that is one thing that annoys me. People who never shut up. Yes, I will listen to what you have to say and if you need help then I will help you; but don't come to me running your mouth about nonsense that you don't even know what your talking about.


Saturday, July 12, 2008

Why I believe in Jesus(the new and improved version)

You know all that other stuff I said about believing in Jesus? Well, forget that. This is that real reason!! HAHA