Monday, March 15, 2010

About a week ago I began writing a blog about how much I have changed over the past few months. How I have changed both for the better and for the worse. It was already a really long blog, and I hadn't even finished yet. I got so lost in my thoughts that I just had to quit for a while and come back to it. But then I realized I was writing it pretty much just for myself, because I wanted to convince myself that I had become a better person. The truth was, I really didn't even want anyone else to see it. That blog will probably sit in my drafts forever, never finished, never published. Because maybe, after all, I haven't changed so much. Maybe I'm still the coward I've always been. Afraid to speak. Afraid to let people in. Afraid to reveal myself. Maybe some things never change...


Davis {the other white meat} said...

it's not about convincing yourself about how you have changed really because i have been doing that for a long time and the only thing that it has done to me is make me try harder to try to make me see that i have changed. the thing is i know that i have changed by the people that i surround myself with and even though sometimes my actions don't show it i know who i am to a degree and people will always be scared to show them true selves to people but maybe its not you that you are trying to convince of change maybe you are trying to convince others of change.