Saturday, April 12, 2008

Blog in the Round: Red Heads

So the other day I had to go spend some good quality time at my mom's office. I knew that there wouldn't be much to do there so I brought some chemistry homework and planned to work on that. After realizing I didn't have my calculator, I put homework aside and moved on to something much more productive and beneficial to my life. Ipod solitaire. Frustrated, after only having won two of the 27 or so games, I put the iPod down and sat in the silence. Then I remembered Blog in the Round and the task that lie ahead of me. Red heads. So I searched through my binder and found a sheet of paper that already had a couple of math problems on it, grabbed my pencil and was about to jot down a few ideas. I thought, "This should be easy, my best friend is a red head". Only I couldn't think of anything. Nothing. My mind was blank. So then I started to think of it through a little bit different perspective then what I originally began. I tried to think of the stereotypes, and what comes to most people's mind when they think of a red head. I came up with a short Irish person who only wears green clothes and whose goal in life is to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. In other words, a leprechaun. This stereotype, however, does not really have anything to do with what I planned to talk about.

Still feeling as if I haven't really gotten anywhere, I once again searched through the depths of my mind, hoping this time I would find something a little better. Then I remembered how red heads are often thought of as having a bad temper. I think this may be because red is like fire and fire is like anger and anger is like getting mad easily which is like having a bad temper, but I don't know maybe I'm wrong. So I started to think of all the red headed people i knew. My list was very short. Danielle. My good ole best friend Danielle whom I love very dearly. She knows that she sometimes gets angry easily, and I'm pretty sure she's not afraid to admit it. We still love her for who she is though. Then there is Matt. I don't know him as well as Danielle, but I've never really noticed him having a bad temper. (his family would probably disagree with that though) I know of a couple of other red heads, but I don't really know them well enough to know anything about their personality. There is this one guy who really does look just like a leprechaun though. If you know me well enough then you probably know that I do tend to get mad over nothing and sometimes on occasion show a side of me that is ill-tempered. But I don't have red hair.

So my conclusion is that the color of your hair really has nothing to do with your personality. Red heads having a bad temper is kind the same thing as the "dumb blond" stereotype. Although sometimes there are red head with fiery tempers or blonds who really are stupid, I don't think this really has anything to do with the color of their hair. Another thing I think about red heads is that they are so natural and unique. To me at least, it never looks right when a red headed person dyes their hair another color or when someone else dyes their hair red. I think the reason for this is because there are much fewer red heads, and this makes it so natural for a person that actually does have red hair.

So even though I don't really know what I'm talking about, that is my conclusion. And I guess you only really have a right to disagree with me if you actually do have red hair. So there you have it.



Patrice said...

Whenever I think of read heads, I think of Anne of Green Gables. :P

Matt Benton said...

I think I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one, Elizabeth. It's true that ALL red heads have bad tempers. We get in fist fights all the time. In fact, we all really do eat lucky charms and look for pots of gold. It's true.

Anonymous said...

I love you too dear. Matt does have a temper. And he gets mad over stupid things. Matt and I once got in this fist fight but I won of course. We were fighting over the lucky charms box

andy said...

i heard that redheads are soul-less, and that they eat babies.

Anonymous said...

andy is a jerk

Heather said...

I personally know a redhead and i happend to be "married" to him but he is the happiest guy alive.
SO its not true that ALL red heads have bad temper!!!
and he used to look like a leprecaun

Anonymous said...

matt's right. ive seen so many redheads slap the elderly in my life that it is uncanny. redheads are dangerous. i think they all carry nun chucks.