Monday, May 12, 2008

"Be Still and Know that I am God"

The other day I started thinking. It seems like every time I start thinking about something I end up writing a blog about it. But anyway, I was thinking about pleasure and emotion. If you really think about it, what is the purpose of pleasure? I know I find pleasure in a lot of things. I find pleasure in beauty, pleasure in people, pleasure in food, pleasure in a lot of things; but it's really hard for me to define exactly what this pleasure is. I mean, it doesn't seem really neccissary at all. Life would still be possible without it. All it really does it make life a little more worth living.

Even if food didn't have a taste, we would still eat it because we know that we have to eat to stay alive. So why do we have the ability to taste? Even if the world was dull and gray, we could still continue to live in it because its beauty doesn't really affect whether or not we can breathe or whether or not our heart still beats. So why did God create the world with so many beautiful colors when he could have left it plain and simple? If we never felt any emotions: happiness, sadness, anger, joy, or excitement, then live could still go on. Yet he did give us emotions and the abilty to feel things for ourselves. But why?

My answer(which may not be right) is this: He gave us the beautiful sky, the colorful flowers, the pretty trees, the abilty for something to taste satisfying, and just flat out pleasure in anything so maybe once in a while we will stop our busy lives and just remember where it came from. I think that pleasure is a gift of inspiration given to us maybe simply just to bring a smile to our face when we remember where it came from. And however big and powerful God is, that thought just shows me how personable he can really be.

I think that pleasure is an a privledge and is sometimes taken advantage of. Think about it. If it wasn't for the fact that food tasted so dang good, then I think there would be a heck of a lot less overweight people in our world. Also, I think sex can be another example of this. The only real purpose of it is to reproduce, but God made it pleasurable. I'm not going to go into detail with this, but I think you and I can both agree that it has been taken advantage of a lot.

So I think God gave us those beautiful summer days, that amazing transition going into fall where the leaves are all different colors, a gorgeous sunset, the delicious taste of food, and clear-blue ocean just so every once in a while we will be still and know that He is God. So maybe we will forget everything else and just take that in for a minute.

Something that tells me that our world didn't come out of a giant egg are the intangible things in life such as emotion. Again, emotions are not a vital thing, but we still sometimes feel happy and sometimes feel sad, feel angry, jealousy, joy, or excitement. I don't see how that is something that could have evolved. Apes don't have emotions, but if I evolved from an ape then how do I suddenly end up with emotions? It's a hard thing for me to explain, but try to understand what I'm saying.

I honestly don't understand how someone can feel love, can feel happiness, can feel anger; and how someone can look around at this beautifully complex world and then tell me that there is no God.



Matt Benton said...

Hey E-beth, great blog. Anytime you start thinking about something a lot and then it ends up a blog, well, that's a good thing. Keep it up.

I think you are dead on about pleasure and beauty. I have heard that the only reason that beauty exists is because of God's love. Why else would it exist? Science can't explain it. There is no scientific reason that the world is as beautiful as it is. I don't think science explains why we like to listen to music or anything like that.

But without all this beauty and pleasure (the good pleasure, not the pleasure you get when you're on drugs or something) we will all be clinically depressed and hopeless beings. We don't need it, and yet we really do. We need light, love, food, etc. and we need to enjoy them. And it all comes back to the love of God.