Monday, May 5, 2008

BITR: If I were a food...

There comes a point in every persons life where we must ask ourselves this one very important question: If I were a food, what would it be? I have recently asked myself this question, and I searched through the depths of my mind and soul trying to find the answer. It is not an easy answer to find. In order to find it, food must be personified. So after much thought, I finally came to a conclusion. If I were a food I would be a pecan. You may be thinking "A pecan? Why in the world a pecan?" Let me explain.

Pecans are delicious nuts that come in a hard shell. Like a pecan, I come in a shell that is pretty hard to crack. I'm not the kind of person who just opens up easily to let the whole world know who she is. You see, some people are like a bag of chips. So easy to open, but once you do its just half a bag full of fatty salty chips. With me, you have to work a little harder to get me open but once you do it's worth it in the end. Once you open a pecan you have an all-natural, God-given snack. There are no artificial flavorings. There are no preservatives. There is no added fat. Just a simple little pecan. I'm not the type of person who needs to be like everyone else. I don't neccissarily need to change to please others. That kind of person would be a coke. You have regular coke, diet coke, caffeine free coke, cherry coke, vanilla coke, coke zero, etc...I do not need to change to please the needs of others.

And like a pecan, you never know what your going to get with me. My dad uses the "Elizabeth is like a box of chocolates..." quote with me all the time. Its kinda like that, sometimes you open the shell of a pecan and its rotten inside. Other times you open up a pecan and it tastes so good you think "I would rather have a pecan more than anything right now".

So there you have it. I'm a pecan. It's simple, and actually kinda boring; but its natural. Nothing really interesting has ever happened in my life before. I remember my grandparents had this pecan tree, and every year when I was little me and my Papa would take a basket and fill it up with pecans. Thats why they always tasted so good. Because it was a tradition. I don't even really like the pecans you buy in a bag at the store, but those pecans we picked up from the front yard were delicious. I digress... But I'm just gonna keep on being the same ole me because pecans don't change either. They just fall off of trees every year and when we pick them up and eat them they will always taste the same.



Matt Benton said...

You said this was going to be dumb but I thought it was really good. You're right, though. You do remind me of a pecan and I'll probably notice it a lot more now that you went ahead and put it out there.

Anonymous said...

You know what? Your blog CRUSHED my blog. Next week, I need a better blog. Something I can actually THINK about. Your blog makes me want to go crawl in a hole. I guess some of us are gifted at writing...and others, such as me...are not. lol

I like pecans, and pecan pies.

Elizabeth said...

well thank you, but actually i hated this blog when i was writing it and i still don't really like it now.

Anonymous said...

i think its great. mine is terrible. all i wrote about was how stupid spiders have eight legs and their hairy and nonsense

Matt Benton said...

I actually think both of your blogs were dumb... mine was the best! Haha just kidding.

Anonymous said...

Well mine was dumb so it's ok for you to say that. We're all gonna have a dumb blog every once in a while. And Matt, just the fact that JUSTIN was in your blog, made it bad. ha jk. I think maybe Andy should give me my blog this week so I can actually think about it.