Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What little I have for political views

[I really don't like politics at all, but with the upcoming election me and Danielle have been talking about it a lot and we decided to voice our opinions. So hear are my thoughts, you can agree or agree to disagree and it won't offend me. In fact, I'd like to hear your opinions. Maybe I'm an idiot and havn't thought this through enough. Who knows? So here goes nothing.]

I have come to see that the main reason a person would support a democrat is because democrats are known for "helping people". You know, like forming government programs to help the poor, or disabled, or just anyone in need. Well, that sounds great on paper, but in the long run is it really whats best? Most of the programs such as FDIC and Social Security were created by Franklin D. Roosevelt during the Great Depression. These systems may have helped our country a lot at the time, but I think that it just made things worse for the future and may possibly cause another depression.(which is a thought that scares the crap out of me)

Of course I want to help those in need, and I think that most decent people do; but I don't know if government programs are the best way of doing this. 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 says, "If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing. "
In order to be able to fund these programs, there must be a lot of money. Therefore, with every new program taxes get higher and higher. I honestly don't know of anyone who writes their taxes out of love. And while we're doing this, our country is falling more in more into debt. I think there has to be a better way to help people. The solution to this, I believe, is through the church. The church is not only somewhere you go to learn about God and worship, but it's also supposed to be a ministry to reach out to those in need. If people used the money that would be their tax dollars for these "aid programs" and gave it to the church instead, I think we would be in a lot better position. Of course, this is a lot easier said then done; but I'm just saying I think that's how it should be. Truthfully, I don't have a better solution for the Great Depression. Maybe what FDR did was the best thing at the time, but at this point I think that all of these government programs have gone to far.

Now, the war is another major issue in the upcoming election. It's something I have a hard time with, because there are two ways you can look at it. From one perspective you could say that we are in a pointless war in which we are accomplish nothing. From another perspective you can look back to the day of the attack and remember exactly what happened. Remember all those innocent victims who lost their lives, and think that maybe some thing are worth fighting for. I think I tend to come more from this point of view. Our country was attacked by terrorists. That is not something you can just brush off like it never happened, if we do then I think that we would be attacked over and over again. Sometimes I try to think about what position our country may be in if we weren't in this war, if we didn't stand up for our well-earned freedom; and part of me thinks that we would have lost more lives than what we are in this war. A threat for nuclear weapons is a major thing. If they dropped a bomb on us, we are ALL gone. And if you sit back and look at it, America is at more of a risk for a nuclear bomb than most other countries are. Most other countries hate us and think we're all rich spoiled brats. Also, the first and only atomic bomb was dropped by the U.S. to end WWII. I bet there are a lot of people out there who want revenge. So, although I think that a lot of the things we are doing in this war is a waste of time, I believe that altogether war was the best option. We have people(or better put, heroes) who voluntarily laid down their lives for our freedom, and if we elected someone who would pull the troops out then the lives of all those people would have been wasted.

Another thing that is and has been a major issue in elections for a long time is that of abortion. Personally, I don't see how one could make the argument that abortion is not murder. I guess the argument would be that when a baby is first conceived, it is not yet living. But my question is this. If life does not begin at conception, then where? You can't just mark a line and say "it begins here, exactly __ weeks into the pregnancy". That's just making a blind guess when it clearly makes the most sense that life begins at conception. I'm not trying to sound like I don't care, but if a girl ends up pregnant before she intended to then that's her fault. Murder is NEVER the answer, and I believe that abortion is murder. I also don't understand how someone could possibly have the heart to do that to their very own child. I know I couldn't. So the first solution, I believe would be to reach out to the troubled women who get themselves in these terrible situations. Show that there are people who care about them, so they won't get desperate and result to having sex with someone who probably doesn't care about them at all. This is another place the church should be. Reaching out and loving those who are in need. Of course, this does not eliminate all unplanned pregnancies but I think that it will reduce the number. And if the result is a woman baring and unexpected child that they know they will not be able to care for properly, then this is where adoption agencies come in. The government should use the money spent aborting babies and send it to orphanages and adoption agencies. Way too often people get themselves into terrible situations, and to get out the take what they think is the easiest road. I would argue that there are other options. There are other ways to deal with an unplanned pregnancy other than abortion. That child, as tiny as it is, still has rights. It has a reason to live. If it didn't then God wouldn't have put it there. We are told that He knows everything about us even before we are born. That child has a future, and abortion destroys everything about it.

One more thing I wanted to throw out is that even though President Bush might not have handled everything in the best way, and even though he may have done some stupid things; he is still our president and we are still supposed to respect him. Jesus tells us to respect those in authority over us, whether we like them or not. I think Bush has done some good things and I think he has done some bad things, but altogether I still try to show respect for him and not constantly put him down. If someone else who is elected does worse things, then I hope that I will be a big enough person to show the same respect for them.

So that is why I would not support Obama or Hillary. Not because I think Obama is the anti-Christ, and not because he is black. And not because Hillary is a woman. And honestly, I don't think that McCain could do a much better job then either one of them. I really don't care for politicians in general, or politics at all for that matter. But I think I'm just gonna stick to what Thomas Jefferson, one of our founding fathers said: "Government that governs least, governs best".

That ended up much longer than I intended.



Anonymous said...

McCain is the lesser of the three evils. That is all I have to say. I do not agree w/you because you are my best friend, but because so many things Obama and Hillary believe go completely against my morals and beliefs as a Christian. I'm glad we're on the same page.

Matt Benton said...

E-beth, hey enjoyed reading this blog and I liked your thoughts about all this stuff.

Um... we seem to disagree a lot and I'm not really going to use up this space to try and start an argument. I personally think that if we got out of this war then we could use the billions and billions of dollars we are spending on it to fund those programs to help people who need it. The main reason we are in debt is because of the war and I think that it's really taking a toll on our country, economy, etc. I think that over 5,000 soldiers have died in it already and now more and more soldiers are coming back with post-traumatic stress disorder because of their time over there. And for what? Revenge? So we can pay the terrorists back for what they did to us? It seems like if we keep chasing the terrorists through each country that seems to be harboring them then we are going to be in this for a long time. Today it's Iraq, so tomorrow is it Iran? And then what will happen after that?

Anyways, didn't mean to ramble. I agree with your points on abortion and I guess I should make it clear that I am NOT for that at all. But of course you can't base your vote on one single issue. To expect a perfect candidate is insane. I wish I agreed with one candidate on every issue, but that is highly unlikely. And besides, what has Bush really done about abortion anyways?

Once again, I didn't mean to ramble. These are just my views. But hey, good blog and I'm sure there will be more about this as November gets closer.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what Bush has done about abortion but I don't think she was saying that he had done anything,just that atleast Republicans ARE prolife...but i don't know. I don't want to put words in her mouth

Elizabeth said...

I don't plan to start an arguement either, but I will just restate a couple of things.

Like I said, I do think a lot of things in the war have been taken out of hand. I think is what we really need is a president who could get things back in order. Not end the war, but maybe straighten some things out and do what we can to reduce deaths. I don't think that we are in war for revenge. If we were, then we would just be over there killing what we saw. We are in it to defend ourselves, and hopefully protect against another attack.

I'm glad your not for abortion because I would have to disown you if you were. just kidding. Honestly, I don't know what Bush has done for abortion. But I'm not really talking about Bush. With the upcoming election, Bush is pretty much history now so I'm more worried about what our next president can do about it.

Like I said, I'm not a Bush-worshipper, but I'm also not a Bush-hater. In humans, perfection doesn't exist. BUT whether how close or how far away from perfect we are I still think that everyone deserves respect.

Thanks to both of ya'll for taking the time to read it and giving me your opinions.

stephanie said...

as far as the war goes, if it's because some people came and ran planes into some buildings, then that's a really unsatisfactory reason to support it. many more people have died over there in an attempt to kill terrorists than actual people did in the twin towers. if i was a regular american i would say lets bomb their brains out, but as a christian american i am told to turn the other cheek. if we voted for bush because he's a christian, then he isnt harboring the results we would've expected. but he's the president of a nation not made up of christians, but of many religions who expect him to do much more than turn his cheek. this is why i think church and state cannot co-exist. it's not that i believe they should or shouldn't, i just don't think it's possible.

but you are so right on so many things. the church needs to be present where the government isnt. that one derek webb song about the savior on capital hill is dead on. you're never gonna see it. it's our job and not the government's job. there's no such thing as a perfect person as well as there's no such thing as a perfect government.

Ryan said...

Okay so my views...

I'm pro-life. Ultimately, we are forced with the question of "What is sacred life?" Pro-choice people say "Well the government shouldn't decide that." But for that matter, who decides that I am sacred life? Or any of yall. So some moral standard must be applied here, and I believe for moral and Biblical reasons that a fetus or what not is sacred life. The government's main job is to protect sacred life. From then, our liberty, property, and pursuit of happinness. However I would like to see abortion outlawed on the State level rather than the Federal level. Right now it is Federally legal, which is wrong. Overturning Roe vs. Wade would return it to the states.

So from here may I expound on my next point - economic issues. It is not the governments job to take our money and give it to programs to "help" people. The government should protect property, not take it away. I am against the income tax as a matter of fact. And most of these stupid economic laws such as minimum wage amongst others. And what FDR did was probably bad. It prolonged the Depression, and made life worse in the future.

And the's a complicated issue. I don't think we can just say "Well since we were attacked we must be in this war, or else we won't have freedom." It's not that simple. I do want to defend ourselves and punish those who hurt us, and in a sense, I think we needed to go to war after 9/11. But as Matt said, "Now it's Iraq, tomorrow will it be Iran?"

I think we should start getting to a humble foreign policy of not rushing into war, going in declared in a Constitutional manner as a last resort, and all that stuff. In adition to losing lives, it hurts the economy. Of course, there is a side of me that wants to "finish the job" that we started. Rushing in doesn't mean we need to rush out. But then again, if going in was a mistake, perhaps staying is a mistake. It's really a complicated issue.

I'm not really for pulling all our troops out, but I think we should start to get focused and not get involved in a never-ending war. Start to get troops out; focus on our real enemy; don't police the world; secure the borders and home and be prepared. I think there is still a chance we could have yet another attack. Perhaps what we're doing is making more enemies, not something we need to do. After lossing all these lives in war, perhaps they are going in vain to have yet another attack.

I'm not saying I'm anti-war, I'm just saying it's not as simple as Elizabeth seemed to put it. That's just my opinion.

And I voted for Ron Paul. And I will probably vote for a third-party candidate in November.

Elizabeth said...

Well, I don't think its that simple either. And, again, like I said I think a lot of things have gotten out of hand. I think maybe Bush did rush into the war and I'm sure he didn't do everything in the best way. As much as I wish we could just turn the other cheek, I don't think its that simple. Although he did tell us to turn the other cheek, if Jesus were still walking on earth then I don't think he would necissarily be anti-war. I think there are some things we need to accomplish in this war, and until then I don't think the troops should be pulled out.

stephanie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ryan said...

Well I wouldn't suggest pulling all the Troops out, just perhaps using troops in a wiser way. And don't go into Iran. Limit your war policy to going after the terrorists.

And btw, I am not really defending dems or reps here. Both parties have become interventionists. If Obama comes into office, we might not be in Iraq much longer, but we'd probably find an excuse to put our Troops some other place that they don't belong. Put them where they should be, get the job done, and come home.